One of the core values of Agile is to maintain built-in quality, which implies that security controls should be embedded in the Agile mindset. However, it may be argued that information security and an Agile mindset do not always go hand in hand with implementation of an Agile framework within an enterprise. Teams often state that functionality and business value are more critical than security compliance.
IT auditors and Agile advocates sometimes disagree. While Agile teams argue that there is no one “right” way to run a sprint and no standardized approach to application development, IT auditors and IT compliance professionals prefer a consistent approach. They generally want there to be an established, comprehensive and documented process that is closely followed.
It is clear that the maturity of information security and compliance in the Agile framework is not well developed. There are many questions about how information security and compliance can be governed within the Agile framework. One answer is to use the Scaled Agile Framework’s 10 SAFe Lean-Agile Principles to adapt and transform IT security approaches (figure 1).1
Apply System Thinking
Systems thinking takes a holistic approach to solution development, incorporating all aspects of a system and its environment into the design, development, deployment, and maintenance of the system itself.2
System thinking does not apply only to solution development. System thinking applies to the enterprise at large, which includes its people, management and processes. The system within both an Agile team and an enterprise must be optimized so that different parts of the system and the enterprise are working collectively and optimizing value streams.
Security Within the System
IT security and the risk team should be part of the
overall system, along with design and development
and operations (figure 2). Applications are often
developed without the involvement of IT security
and the risk team and, in some organizational
cultures, they are involved only during the initial or
final stage of development and not throughout the
life cycle of the implementation. With such limited involvement, it is inevitable that any decision by IT
security and the risk team will be made at the last
stage of development, giving the impression that IT
security and the risk team are the cause of delay
and an impediment to implementation.
To remove this impression, IT security and the risk team must be part of the development and decision-making system within the enterprise. They must be part of the Agile release train (ART) and, if necessary, the Agile team. This will provide the necessary security support and guidance to the team, while reducing any friction between the security and engineering teams. IT security should provide guidance related to security controls, and the risk team should guide and advise on how to manage risk if a control cannot be added within an iteration. IT security and the risk team should be seen not as impediments but as resources to help prioritize security controls and manage risk.
Assume Variability and Preserve Options
Solution development is an inherently uncertain process. Technical variability and market variability are present throughout the development process. Innovative new systems have, by definition, never been developed before, so there is no guaranteed path to success.3
Rather than reducing variability (options) from the beginning, the approach should embrace variability and remain flexible to support changing requirements.
When there are various options to navigate during the development process, planning and decision making are dynamic. When there is uncertainty and change happens throughout the development process, the team needs to be directed by a beacon, regardless of variability, and this beacon should be the enterprise’s security policy (figure 3).
Security Principles as a Beacon to Variability
Corporate security policy should be the beacon that guides the enterprise’s security principles and risk appetite. This policy needs to be articulated and enforced at all levels of the enterprise. A defined security policy provides direction for the team, and a clear security policy directive provides a path for the team to navigate as it embraces variability and flexibility in product development. If the security policy is too specific, that path will be too narrow, limiting the team’s ability to embrace variability and flexibility. In contrast, if the security policy is too general, it will create ambiguity and confusion. Therefore, it is important that the policy provide clear direction on what the enterprise wants to achieve while allowing flexibility in the application of security controls.
Take an Economic View
Taking an economic view requires one to achieve the shortest sustainable lead time with the best quality and value—requires understanding the economics of a mission. Without that, even a technically competent system may cost too much to develop, take too long to deliver, or incur exorbitant manufacturing or operating costs.4
Security Controls With an Economic View
It is tempting for information risk managers to cite
the entire list of organizational security policies and
controls when asked what controls need to be
considered for a product. It is practically impossible
to implement the whole list of security controls and
standards (e.g., US National Institute of Standards
and Technology [NIST], International Organization for
Standardization [ISO]) while shortening the
sustainable lead time and ensuring the best quality and value. This frustrates the team and usually
causes it to overlook security measures because
there is just too much to consider. Instead, risk
managers may be required to determine the
necessary security controls based on an economic
view of the project and products. This decision by risk
managers is crucial, as they need to balance the
development cost with the right security controls for
the output.
Risk managers are required to perform risk assessment and analysis based on the potential threats related to the product’s impact and value. Based on the risk assessment and risk exposure, they must determine at which stage the controls should be added incrementally, as the product gains functionality and market exposure. It is very tempting for IT security managers to add all controls within the first release; however, these controls may not directly support the economic benefits of the product.
Organize Around Value
Business agility demands that enterprises organize around value to deliver more quickly. When business demands change, enterprises must adapt quickly and reorganize based on value flow. Enterprises that organize around value are typically fast-moving and adaptive networks of individuals focused on the needs of their customers. They aim to deliver continuous value to customers while reducing the lead time required to deliver high-quality products.
Security Managed Around Value
When taking an economic view of security, risk
managers must organize security controls and
requirements around the value demanded by
customers and society (figure 4). A paradigm shift
in the traditional way of handling security and
governance is required. An example of a security
control with value to the customer is a feature that
protects and encrypts customers’ sensitive data;
customers and society expect enterprises to
implement reliable and secure systems to manage
sensitive data. An example of a security control with
less value to the customer is a comprehensive 50-page security document.
Risk managers may be required to perform threat and risk assessments and make deliberate plans to determine which controls should be added to an iteration to support the value and risk exposure of products.
Build Incrementally With Fast, Integrated Learning Cycles
Building a solution is done incrementally, adding value and features to the solution over time. After each addition, results can be evaluated, allowing incremental capabilities to be presented to and assessed by customers for constructive feedback. Feedback from customers allows the team to build on previous increments, evolving the solution until the product is released.
Security Tool Integration and Automation to
Support Fast, Incremental Iteration
To support the fast, incremental approach to
software development, the security approach must be adaptive and rapid and should not impede the
development process. Security testing and
assurance must be able to adapt to ever-changing
and incremental iterations. To achieve speed in
security testing and assurance, it is important that
security tools used for dynamic application security
testing (DAST) and static application security
testing (SAST) are integrated and automated in the
development process (figure 5). This ensures that
testing is done effectively, without compromising
the accuracy of the test. With integrated tools,
vulnerabilities and security issues can be identified
early in the development process, allowing the team
to plan for and work on remediation. Security
penetration testing and security bounty programs
can be organized to detect security flaws and
issues not identified during the fast-paced
development of products.
Integrated and automated tools should continue to be deployed during the development process and throughout the product’s life cycle. Security tools must be able to monitor, detect and defend against threats to the application in the production environment.
Visualize and Limit WIP, Reduce Batch Sizes and Queue Lengths
“To achieve the shortest sustainable lead time, Lean enterprises strive for a state of continuous flow, which allows them to move new system features quickly from ‘concept to cash.’”5 To achieve continuous flow, work in progress (WIP) must be reduced to a level at which the work can reasonably be accomplished within an optimal time to build team motivation and productivity. To reduce WIP and improve flows, batch size should be kept small, and the queue length to process the job should be kept short. Smaller batches on shorter queues go through the system faster and with less variability.
Limited WIP and Reduced Batch Sizes for Security
Controls and Implementations
The principles of limiting WIP, reducing batch sizes
and managing queue lengths can also be applicable
to security implementations and controls. Security
controls and requirements need to be broken down
into batches of work items for teams to develop
and implement. With a smaller batch of security
requirements, the enterprise can perform a value
assessment and risk assessment on each specific
requirement. Security requirements can be scaled
accordingly and prioritized for each iteration. This
reduces WIP for various security implementations
in the development flow. Reducing the batch size
for security implementations keeps the team
motivated and reduces the impression that security
is a hindrance to product development.
Apply Cadence; Synchronize With Cross-Domain Planning
Uncertainty is inherent in solution development. Agile development addresses this uncertainty in a defined boundary for the enterprise through cadence and synchronization. Cadence provides a rhythmic pattern of consistent events and routine, helping developers focus on solution development. Synchronization with cross-domain planning enable solutions to be explored, planned and integrated across multiple technology and business functions within the enterprise.
Application of Security Cadence; Synchronization
With Cross-Domain Planning
Regular cadence and synchronization should be
applied to security implementations and controls.
Security requirements should be planned for deployment at regularly established intervals.
Priority of security implementations should be
determined from a risk perspective in accordance
with product value and risk exposure. With regular
cadence, key primary security controls can be
deployed quickly, while secondary security controls
can be added in subsequent iterations.
As security policy and controls cut across technology and business functions, synchronization events enable cross-domain teams to be aligned on security requirements and implementations at various levels of the solution. Server, database and application teams will be aligned on how data can be protected across different technology domains.
Base Milestones on Objective Evaluation of Work Systems
Throughout the development of a product, the system is built in increments, with milestones at each iteration to demonstrate feasibility and success of the solution in process. This is done routinely and periodically so that relevant stakeholders can evaluate the product. With periodic milestones, changes can be made early in the development process, allowing products to evolve based on what the customer wants.
Clearance of Security Requirements and Objectives
for Each Milestone
Information security requirements must be detailed
for each iteration, so that information security
implementations can be evaluated during each
milestone evaluation. To ensure an objective
evaluation of the product’s information security, it is
crucial that clear information security requirements
and objectives be set up during every iteration.
Therefore, iterations for security controls to be
incorporated into the product must be represented
in functional user stories for security requirements.
In the Agile world, it is important that security requirements are translated into clear user stories so that teams know how to interpret and implement the requirements and objectives of security controls for the product. Clear security requirements and objectives provide a clear basis on which to evaluate the security features at each milestone.
Unlock the Intrinsic Motivation of Knowledge Workers
The traditional workforce mentality is that employees do what the boss says. This traditional system does not utilize the capability and knowledge of workers. To unlock their intrinsic motivation, workers should be encouraged to explore and make decisions based on enterprise principles and values. Workers are motivated when they see that product success is the result of their contributions and decisions. Workers must be given autonomy within the stated purpose and mission.
Unlocking the Intrinsic Motivation for Security
The principle of motivation can be applied to the
security mindset and culture. Agile teams must be
motivated through cultural change within the
enterprise. The enterprise must embrace security
requirements and recognize that they are as
important as any other features added to a product.
Including security features in a product reassures
customers and gives them confidence. Consumers
tend to trust products with security features, leading
to wider dissemination and quicker product
acceptance within the market. Teams should
ensure that security features and controls are
added accordingly.6 Teams must be motivated to do
so, and they must strive to ensure that their
products will not fall victim to mistakes or
attackers. They must be motivated to search for
innovative ways to secure and protect the interests
of their customers over various product iterations.
They will do this not because IT security demands it
but because they understand the value of ensuring
the security of their products.
Decentralize Decision-Making
To deliver value in the shortest time, the Agile team must be authorized to make certain decisions, rather than requiring a decision at a higher management level. Not all decisions should be decentralized; however, decisions that are recurrent and common should be made at the team level. Time-crucial decisions and those that require local consideration should also be decentralized.
Empowering the Team With Knowledge and
Decision-Making Authority on Security
It is important that developers be empowered to
make security decisions and be responsible for such
decisions. This reduces the turnaround time needed
for decisions on security matters. While the security
team is involved in deciding policy and control
requirements, the development team determines how
these requirements can be met and during which
iteration they will be implemented. The development
team must be given the necessary resources and
tools to perform security scans and fix any issues
they find, as it is preferable to discover and mitigate
security issues in the early stages of product
development. Developers must be trained to evaluate
codes and applications from an attacker’s
perspective, so that they can make informed
decisions about the security of the product.
The evolution of an Agile mindset in product development has been gaining popularity among IT professionals. Agile has helped enterprises assemble the best teams to collaborate and achieve rapid and continuous product delivery while maintaining customer satisfaction. As the transformation of software development has progressed, the integration of information security and risk in a fast-paced environment has not kept up; it has not yet been defined and adapted to support such an environment. This often leads to confusion and frustration between development teams and IT security.
Using Agile principles, there are opportunities for security culture to be embedded in the Agile framework. With the right mindset and a willingness to change how IT security and risk are approached—that is, aligned with Agile methodology—it will be possible to manage IT security and risk in a fast-paced and dynamic software development environment. The adaptation of security practices within the Agile framework will enable the team to manage risk and balance security requirements in accordance with identified threats and the demands of society.
1 Leffingwell, D.; “SAFe Lean-Agile Principles,”
Scaled Agile Framework,
2 Leffingwell, D.; “Apply Systems Thinking,”
Scaled Agile Framework,
3 Leffingwell, D.; “Assume Variability; Preserve
Options,” Scaled Agile Framework,
4 Op cit Leffingwell, D.; “Apply Systems Thinking”
5 Leffingwell, D.; “Visualize and Limit WIP, Reduce
Batch Sizes, and Manage Queue Lengths,” Scaled Agile Framework,
6 DevSecOps, Manifesto,
Gerald Pang, CISA, CISM, CIPM, CISSP, Certified SAFe Agilist
Has 17 years of experience in information security management across various industries, specializing in IT security; governance, risk management and compliance (GRC); and data privacy.