New Hall of Fame Recognizes Dedicated Volunteer Service

New Hall of Fame Recognizes Dedicated Volunteer Service
Author: ISACA
Date Published: 31 August 2020

Volunteering not only benefits the recipient of the service provided, the act of giving creates a ripple effect and encourages participation across entire communities. Donating time to a cause can reinvigorate an individual both personally and professionally. ISACA® values the attributes of service and is pleased to recognize peers for their efforts.

Starting in 2021, ISACA will induct a limited number of dedicated volunteers and passionate members into the ISACA Hall of Fame. This peer-recognition program is launching the first call for nominations in 2020 to recognize the talent and hard work that members contribute to advancing ISACA’s global professional community and fulfilling its purpose. ISACA members may nominate other exemplary ISACA member volunteers by 30 September 2020 to be considered for the 2021 Hall of Fame inductees.

In January 2021, the list of inductees will be posted online for ISACA members to vote for the most inspirational volunteer. All inductees will be honored at the awards ceremony in 2021 and the member-voted recipient of the Eugene Frank Founders Award will be announced live at the presentation.

Visit the Hall of Fame—Submit a Nomination page of the ISACA website by 30 September 2020 for more information or to nominate a dedicated ISACA volunteer for induction into the ISACA Hall of Fame.